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31 - 40 of 203 for Heisenberg uncertainty principleSearch Results
A.k.a. the pigeonhole principle. Given n boxes and m>n objects, at least one box must contain more than one object. This statement has important applications in number theory ...
Almost all processes that are not obviously simple can be viewed as computations of equivalent sophistication (Wolfram 2002, pp. 5 and 716-717). More specifically, the ...
The truth of an infinite sequence of propositions P_i for i=1, ..., infty is established if (1) P_1 is true, and (2) P_k implies P_(k+1) for all k. This principle is ...
Suppose that f is an analytic function which is defined in the upper half-disk {|z|^2<1,I[z]>0}. Further suppose that f extends to a continuous function on the real axis, and ...
If r experiments are performed with n_i possible outcomes for each experiment i=1,2,...,r, then there are a total of product_(i=1)^(r)n_i possible outcomes.
Can be used to invert a Laplace transform.
Let U subset= C be a domain, and let f be an analytic function on U. Then if there is a point z_0 in U such that |f(z_0)|>=|f(z)| for all z in U, then f is constant. The ...
A "pointwise-bounded" family of continuous linear operators from a Banach space to a normed space is "uniformly bounded." Symbolically, if sup||T_i(x)|| is finite for each x ...
Let |A| denote the cardinal number of set A, then it follows immediately that |A union B|=|A|+|B|-|A intersection B|, (1) where union denotes union, and intersection denotes ...
The probability that two events will both happen is hk, where h is the probability that the first event will happen, and k is the probability that the second event will ...