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111 - 120 of 253 for Gyroelongated Pentagonal CupolaSearch Results

A figurate number, also (but mostly in texts from the 1500 and 1600s) known as a figural number (Simpson and Weiner 1992, p. 587), is a number that can be represented by a ...
A number of attractive tetrahedron 6-compounds can be constructed. The first compound (left figures) is obtained by combining three stella octangula. A second can be obtained ...
A hexahedron is a polyhedron with six faces. The figure above shows a number of named hexahedra, in particular the acute golden rhombohedron, cube, cuboid, hemicube, ...
An icositetrahedron is a 24-faced polyhedron. Examples include the deltoidal icositetrahedron, pentagonal icositetrahedron, small triakis octahedron, and tetrakis hexahedron.
The tetragonal trapezohedron is the dual of the square antiprism. For a square antiprism with unit edge lengths, the edge lengths of the corresponding tetragonal ...
An isohedron is a convex polyhedron with symmetries acting transitively on its faces with respect to the center of gravity. Every isohedron has an even number of faces ...
A dipyramid, also called a bipyramid, consists of two pyramids symmetrically placed base-to-base. The dipyramids are duals of the regular prisms. Their skeletons are the ...
There are at least 15 classes of convex pentagonal tilings, as illustrated above. The first five were discovered during investigations of German mathematician Karl Reinhardt ...
A gyrobicupola is a bicupola in which the bases are in opposite orientations.
A birotunda in which the bases are in opposite orientations.
