
Search Results for "Gompertz Constant"

851 - 860 of 1416 for Gompertz ConstantSearch Results
The number one (1), also called "unity," is the first positive integer. It is an odd number. Although the number 1 used to be considered a prime number, it requires special ...
Given a homogeneous linear second-order ordinary differential equation, y^('')+P(x)y^'+Q(x)y=0, (1) call the two linearly independent solutions y_1(x) and y_2(x). Then ...
Consider the process of taking a number, adding its digits, then adding the digits of the number derived from it, etc., until the remaining number has only one digit. The ...
A two-dimensional affine geometry constructed over a finite field. For a field F of size n, the affine plane consists of the set of points which are ordered pairs of elements ...
An algorithm which extrapolates the partial sums s_n of a series sum_(n)a_n whose convergence is approximately geometric and accelerates its rate of convergence. The ...
The Andrews-Schur identity states sum_(k=0)^nq^(k^2+ak)[2n-k+a; k]_q =sum_(k=-infty)^inftyq^(10k^2+(4a-1)k)[2n+2a+2; n-5k]_q([10k+2a+2]_q)/([2n+2a+2]_q) (1) where [n; m]_q is ...
The arithmetic-geometric matrix A_(AG) of a simple graph is a weighted adjacency matrix with weight f(d_i,d_j)=sqrt(d_i^2+d_j^2), (1) where d_i are the vertex degrees of the ...
One of the Zermelo-Fraenkel axioms which asserts the existence for any set a of the power set x consisting of all the subsets of a. The axiom may be stated symbolically as ...
The vector triple product identity Ax(BxC)=B(A·C)-C(A·B). This identity can be generalized to n dimensions,
A class of curve defined at integer values which hops from one value to another. Their name derives from the Greek word betaalphataurhoalphachiiotaomicronnu batrachion, which ...
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