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A two-dimensional map which is conjugate to the Hénon map in its nondissipative limit. It is given by x^' = x+y^' (1) y^' = y+epsilony+kx(x-1)+muxy. (2)
If a function phi:(0,infty)->(0,infty) satisfies 1. ln[phi(x)] is convex, 2. phi(x+1)=xphi(x) for all x>0, and 3. phi(1)=1, then phi(x) is the gamma function Gamma(x). ...
A finite or infinite square matrix with rational entries. (If the matrix is infinite, all but a finite number of entries in each row must be 0.) The sum or product of two ...
If X is any space, then there is a CW-complex Y and a map f:Y->X inducing isomorphisms on all homotopy, homology, and cohomology groups.
If bc=bd (mod a) and (b,a)=1 (i.e., a and b are relatively prime), then c=d (mod a).
A quartic curve that resembles the symbol for the zodiacal sign Capricorn given by the implicit equation a^2x^2(x^2+y^2)-b(ay-x^2-y^2)^2=0, where a>0, b>a^2. The curve ...
A point in a weighted tree that has minimum weight for the tree. The set of all centroid points is called a tree centroid (Harary 1994, p. 36). The largest possible values ...
Let a graph G have graph vertices with vertex degrees d_1<=...<=d_m. If for every i<n/2 we have either d_i>=i+1 or d_(n-i)>=n-i, then the graph is Hamiltonian.
A subset of a topological space is called clopen if it is both closed and open.
Let V be a vector space over a field K, and let A be a nonempty set. For an appropriately defined affine space A, K is called the coefficient field.
