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371 - 380 of 1416 for Gompertz ConstantSearch Results
Let a chord of constant length be slid around a smooth, closed, convex curve C, and choose a point on the chord which divides it into segments of lengths p and q. This point ...
The term isocline derives from the Greek words for "same slope." For a first-order ordinary differential equation y^'=f(t,y) is, a curve with equation f(t,y)=C for some ...
Let R^3 be the space in which a knot K sits. Then the space "around" the knot, i.e., everything but the knot itself, is denoted R^3-K and is called the knot complement of K ...
A linear equation is an algebraic equation of the form y=mx+b involving only a constant and a first-order (linear) term, where m is the slope and b is the y-intercept. The ...
The modified spherical Bessel differential equation is given by the spherical Bessel differential equation with a negative separation constant, ...
Consider a formula in prenex normal form, Q_1x_1...Q_nx_nN. If Q_i is the existential quantifier (1<=i<=n) and x_k, ..., x_m are all the universal quantifier variables such ...
Stanley and Wilf conjectured (Bona 1997, Arratia 1999), that for every permutation pattern sigma, there is a constant c(sigma)<infty such that for all n, ...
Let L be a language of the first-order logic. Assume that the language L has the following sets of nonlogical symbols: 1. C is the set of constant symbols of L. (These are ...
Let U subset= C be an open set and f a real-valued continuous function on U. Suppose that for each closed disk D^_(P,r) subset= U and every real-valued harmonic function h ...
Every closed three-manifold with finite fundamental group has a metric of constant positive scalar curvature, and hence is homeomorphic to a quotient S^3/Gamma, where Gamma ...
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