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Arnauld's paradox states that if negative numbers exist, then (-1)/1 must equal 1/(-1), which asserts that the ratio of a smaller to a larger quantity equals the ratio of the ...
A hexahedron is a polyhedron with six faces. The figure above shows a number of named hexahedra, in particular the acute golden rhombohedron, cube, cuboid, hemicube, ...
The angle bisector of an angle in a triangle divides the opposite side in the same ratio as the sides adjacent to the angle.
A series is called artistic if every three consecutive terms have a common three-way ratio P[a_i,a_(i+1),a_(i+2)]=((a_i+a_(i+1)+a_(i+2))a_(i+1))/(a_ia_(i+2)). A series is ...
The algebraic connectivity of a graph is the numerically second smallest eigenvalue (counting multiple eigenvalues separately) of the Laplacian matrix of a graph G. In other ...
The Laplacian spectral radius of a finite graph is defined as the largest value of its Laplacian spectrum, i.e., the largest eigenvalue of the Laplacian matrix (Lin et al. ...
The four medians of a tetrahedron concur in a point which divides each tetrahedron median in the ratio 1:3, the longer segment being on the side of the vertex of the ...
If an analytic function has a single simple pole at the radius of convergence of its power series, then the ratio of the coefficients of its power series converges to that ...
A rhombohedron is a parallelepiped bounded by six rhombi such that opposite faces are congruent. A rhombohedron having all six rhombic faces congruent is known as a trigonal ...
Two figures are homothetic if they are related by an expansion or geometric contraction. This means that they lie in the same plane and corresponding sides are parallel; such ...
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