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271 - 280 of 702 for Goldbach ConjectureSearch Results
A theory is decidable iff there is an algorithm which can determine whether or not any sentence r is a member of the theory.
The desmic configuration is three-dimensional configuration of points consisting of three tetrads of points, each two of the tetrads of which are perspective from the four ...
A 6-piece polycube dissection of the 3×3 cube.
A Ramsey number of the form R(k,k;2).
A puzzle in which one object is to be converted to another by making a finite number of cuts and reassembling it. The cuts are often, but not always, restricted to straight ...
Let F(n) be a family of partitions of n and let F(n,d) denote the set of partitions in F(n) with Durfee square of size d. The Durfee polynomial of F(n) is then defined as the ...
The length of the largest-sized square contained within the Ferrers diagram of a partition. Its size can be determined using DurfeeSquare[f] in the Wolfram Language package ...
There are two similar but distinct concepts related to equidecomposability: "equidecomposable" and "equidecomposable by dissection." The difference is in that the pieces ...
An exponent is the power p in an expression of the form a^p. The process of performing the operation of raising a base to a given power is known as exponentiation.
Let D be a planar Abelian difference set and t be any divisor of n. Then t is a numerical multiplier of D, where a multiplier is defined as an automorphism alpha of a group G ...
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