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471 - 480 of 2377 for Goedels Incompleteness TheoremSearch Results
If each of two curves meets the line at infinity in distinct, nonsingular points, and if all their intersections are finite, then if to each common point there is attached a ...
If two curves of the same curve genus >1 are in rational correspondence, then that correspondence is birational.
Let phi(x_1,...,x_m) be an L_(exp) formula, where L_(exp)=L union {e^x} and L is the language of ordered rings L={+,-,·,<,0,1}. Then there exist n>=m and f_1,...,f_s in ...
If there is a (nu,nu^') correspondence between two curves of curve genus p and p^' and the number of branch points properly counted are beta and beta^', then ...
If three circles A, B, and C are taken in pairs, the external similarity points of the three pairs lie on a straight line. Similarly, the external similarity point of one ...
Let three equal circles with centers J_A, J_B, and J_C intersect in a single point H and intersect pairwise in the points A, B, and C. Then the circumcircle O of the ...
Given any triangle ABC, the signed sum of perpendicular distances from the circumcenter O to the sides (i.e., signed lengths of the pedal lines from O) is OO_A+OO_B+OO_C=R+r, ...
Every "large" even number may be written as 2n=p+m where p is a prime and m in P union P_2 is the set of primes P and semiprimes P_2.
Let H be a heptagon with seven vertices given in cyclic order inscribed in a conic. Then the Pascal lines of the seven hexagons obtained by omitting each vertex of H in turn ...
If a complex function f is analytic in a disk contained in a simply connected domain D and f can be analytically continued along every polygonal arc in D, then f can be ...