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1831 - 1840 of 2377 for Goedels Incompleteness TheoremSearch Results

The number of multisets of length k on n symbols is sometimes termed "n multichoose k," denoted ((n; k)) by analogy with the binomial coefficient (n; k). n multichoose k is ...
The word multiplicity is a general term meaning "the number of values for which a given condition holds." For example, the term is used to refer to the value of the totient ...
Multivariate analysis is the simultaneous statistical consideration of relationships among many measured properties of a given system (Gould 1996, p. 42).
The first Napoleon point N is the concurrence of lines drawn between vertices of a given triangle DeltaABC and the opposite vertices of the corresponding inner Napoleon ...
A graph or directed graph together with a function which assigns a positive real number to each edge (Harary 1994, p. 52).
Samuel Pepys wrote Isaac Newton a long letter asking him to determine the probabilities for a set of dice rolls related to a wager he planned to make. Pepys asked which was ...
A vector field X on a compact foliated manifold (M,F) is nice if X is transverse to F and if X has a closed orbit C (called a nice orbit) such that the intersection C ...
A ring is called left (respectively, right) Noetherian if it does not contain an infinite ascending chain of left (respectively, right) ideals. In this case, the ring in ...
A square matrix that is not singular, i.e., one that has a matrix inverse. Nonsingular matrices are sometimes also called regular matrices. A square matrix is nonsingular iff ...
According to many authors (e.g., Kelley 1955, p. 112; Joshi 1983, p. 162; Willard 1970, p. 99) a normal space is a topological space in which for any two disjoint closed sets ...
