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151 - 160 of 2377 for Goedels Incompleteness TheoremSearch Results
Let phi_x^((k)) denote the recursive function of k variables with Gödel number x, where (1) is normally omitted. Then if g is a partial recursive function, there exists an ...
Fredholm's theorem states that, if A is an m×n matrix, then the orthogonal complement of the row space of A is the null space of A, and the orthogonal complement of the ...
Let A=a_(ij) be a matrix with positive coefficients and lambda_0 be the positive eigenvalue in the Frobenius theorem, then the n-1 eigenvalues lambda_j!=lambda_0 satisfy the ...
The Gershgorin circle theorem (where "Gershgorin" is sometimes also spelled "Gersgorin" or "Gerschgorin") identifies a region in the complex plane that contains all the ...
Given an arithmetic progression of terms an+b, for n=1, 2, ..., the series contains an infinite number of primes if a and b are relatively prime, i.e., (a,b)=1. This result ...
A theorem giving a criterion for an origami construction to be flat. Kawasaki's theorem states that a given crease pattern can be folded to a flat origami iff all the ...
The most common statement known as Steiner's theorem (Casey 1893, p. 329) states that the Pascal lines of the hexagons 123456, 143652, and 163254 formed by interchanging the ...
The proposition that every proper ideal of a Boolean algebra can be extended to a maximal ideal. It is equivalent to the Boolean representation theorem, which can be proved ...
There are at least two theorems known as Weierstrass's theorem. The first states that the only hypercomplex number systems with commutative multiplication and addition are ...
The permanent of an n×n integer matrix with all entries either 0 or 1 is 0 iff the matrix contains an r×s submatrix of 0s with r+s=n+1. This result follows from the ...
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