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1371 - 1380 of 2377 for Goedels Incompleteness TheoremSearch Results

The term annihilator is used in several different ways in various aspects of mathematics. It is most commonly used to mean the set of all functions satisfying a given set of ...
An initial point that provides safe convergence of Newton's method (Smale 1981; Petković et al. 1997, p. 1).
Cut a sphere by a plane in such a way that the volumes of the spherical segments have a given ratio.
The group of functions from an object G to itself which preserve the structure of the object, denoted Aut(G). The automorphism group of a group preserves the multiplication ...
A logical system which possesses an explicitly stated set of axioms from which theorems can be derived.
A method for mapping three-dimensional figures onto the plane.
The bend of a circle C mutually tangent to three other circles is defined as the signed curvature of C. If the contacts are all external, the signs of the bends of all four ...
The nth order Bernstein expansion of a function f(x) in terms of a variable x is given by B_n(f,x)=sum_(j=0)^n(n; j)x^j(1-x)^(n-j)f(j/n), (1) (Gzyl and Palacios 1997, Mathé ...
The determinant of a binary quadratic form Au^2+2Buv+Cv^2 is defined as D=AC-B^2. It is equal to 1/4 of the corresponding binary quadratic form discriminant. Unfortunately, ...
A polynomial with 2 terms.
