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1261 - 1270 of 2377 for Goedels Incompleteness TheoremSearch Results

The set closure of the set of arguments of a function f for which f is not zero.
Define T as the set of all points t with probabilities P(x) such that a>t=>P(a<=x<=a+da)<P_0 or a<t=>P(a<=x<=a+da)<P_0, where P_0 is a point probability (often, the ...
A lottery in which three numbers are picked at random from the integers 1-14.
The property of being the only possible solution (perhaps modulo a constant, class of transformation, etc.).
A function f(x) has a vertical tangent line at x_0 if f is continuous at x_0 and lim_(x->x_0)f^'(x)=+/-infty.
3 is the only integer which is the sum of the preceding positive integers (1+2=3) and the only number which is the sum of the factorials of the preceding positive integers ...
Let K be a field, and A a K-algebra. Elements y_1, ..., y_n are algebraically independent over K if the natural surjection K[Y_1,...,Y_n]->K[y_1,...,y_n] is an isomorphism. ...
If f(x) is piecewise continuous and has a generalized Fourier series sum_(i)a_iphi_i(x) (1) with weighting function w(x), it must be true that ...
A pair of vertices (x,y) of a graph G is called an omega-critical pair if omega(G+xy)>omega(G), where G+xy denotes the graph obtained by adding the edge xy to G and omega(H) ...
A game in which no draw is possible. Steinhaus (1999, p. 16) stated that all categorical games are unfair, but this is incorrect. For example, the game "Odds or Evens" pits ...
