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Let z_0 be a point in a simply connected region R!=C, where C is the complex plane. Then there is a unique analytic function w=f(z) mapping R one-to-one onto the disk |w|<1 ...
Consider a countable subgroup H with elements h_i and an element x not in H, then h_ix for i=1, 2, ... constitute the right coset of the subgroup H with respect to x.
An expression which is a sentence or which contains variables and becomes a sentence upon appropriate substitutions for these variables (Carnap 1958, p. 24). Sentential ...
Given a subalgebra A of the algebra B(H) of bounded linear transformations from a Hilbert space H onto itself, the vector v in H is a separating vector for A if the only ...
The surface corresponding to the region of obscuration when a solid is illuminated from a point light source (located at the radiant point). A disk is the shadow of a sphere ...
A transformation in which all points along a given line L remain fixed while other points are shifted parallel to L by a distance proportional to their perpendicular distance ...
A method for constructing magic squares of odd order, also called de la Loubere's method.
A surface parameterized in variables u and v is called smooth if the tangent vectors in the u and v directions satisfy T_uxT_v!=0, where AxB is a cross product.
There are (at least) two equations known as Sommerfeld's formula. The first is J_nu(z)=1/(2pi)int_(-eta+iinfty)^(2pi-eta+iinfty)e^(izcost)e^(inu(t-pi/2))dt, where J_nu(z) is ...
The Stiefel-Whitney number is defined in terms of the Stiefel-Whitney class of a manifold as follows. For any collection of Stiefel-Whitney classes such that their cup ...
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