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Let X be a metric space, A be a subset of X, and d a number >=0. The d-dimensional Hausdorff measure of A, H^d(A), is the infimum of positive numbers y such that for every ...
If F is a family of more than n bounded closed convex sets in Euclidean n-space R^n, and if every H_n (where H_n is the Helly number) members of F have at least one point in ...
One of the 24 7-polyiamonds.
On the class of topological spaces, a homeomorphism class is an equivalence class under the relation of being homeomorphic. For example, the open interval (-pi/2,pi/2) and ...
An n-dimensional manifold M is said to be a homotopy sphere, if it is homotopy equivalent to the n-sphere S^n. Thus no homotopy group can distinguish between M and S^n. The ...
A d-hyperoctant is one of the 2^d regions of space defined by the 2^d possible combinations of signs (+/-,+/-,...,+/-). The 2-hyperoctant is known as a quadrant and the ...
The term "ice fractal" refers to a fractal (square, triangle, etc.) that is based on a simple generating motif. The above plots show the ice triangle, antitriangle, square, ...
The identric mean is defined by I(a,b)=1/e((b^b)/(a^a))^(1/(b-a)) for a>0, b>0, and a!=b. The identric mean has been investigated intensively and many remarkable inequalities ...
The term "ill-defined" is also used informally to mean ambiguous.
Let E be a set of expressions representing real, single-valued partially defined functions of one real variable. Let E^* be the set of functions represented by expressions in ...
