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671 - 680 of 1352 for Gamma DistributionSearch Results
There appear to be two different definitions of the standard error. The standard error of a sample of sample size n is the sample's standard deviation divided by sqrt(n). It ...
The term "range" has two completely different meanings in statistics. Given order statistics Y_1=min_(j)X_j, Y_2, ..., Y_(N-1), Y_N=max_(j)X_j, the range of the random sample ...
The survival function describes the probability that a variate X takes on a value greater than a number x (Evans et al. 2000, p. 6). The survival function is therefore ...
The weighted mean of a discrete set of numbers {x_1,x_2,...,x_n} with weights {w_1,w_2,...,w_n} is given by <x>=sum_(i=1)^nw_ix_i, (1) where each weight w_i is a nonnegative ...
A method of solving combinatorial problems by means of an algorithm which is allowed to run forward until a dead end is reached, at which point previous steps are retraced ...
There are least two Bang's theorems, one concerning tetrahedra (Bang 1897), and the other with widths of convex domains (Bang 1951). The theorem of Bang (1897) states that ...
The apodization function f(x)=1-(|x|)/a (1) which is a generalization of the one-argument triangle function. Its full width at half maximum is a. It has instrument function ...
A transformation formula for continued fractions (Lorentzen and Waadeland 1992) which can, for example, be used to prove identities such as ...
The bifolium is a folium with b=0. The bifolium is a quartic curve and is given by the implicit equation is (x^2+y^2)^2=4axy^2 (1) and the polar equation ...
Binet's formula is an equation which gives the nth Fibonacci number as a difference of positive and negative nth powers of the golden ratio phi. It can be written as F_n = ...
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