Search Results for "Gamma Distribution"
641 - 650 of 1352 for Gamma DistributionSearch Results

In the American system, 10^(33).
Johnson solid J_9.
The multiplicity of a multigraph is its maximum edge multiplicity.
An element of order 2 in a group (i.e., an element A of a group such that A^2=I, where I is the identity element).
e is transcendental.
A set of statistical distributions having different variances.
A circle-preserving transformation composed of an even number of inversions.
The least positive integer m^* with the property that chi(y)=1 whenever y=1 (mod m^*) and (y,m)=1.
The study of sampling
A p-element x of a group G is semisimple if E(C_G(x))!=1, where E(H) is the commuting product of all components of H and C_G(x) is the centralizer of G.