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531 - 540 of 1352 for Gamma DistributionSearch Results

A formula for numerical integration, (1) where C_(2n) = sum_(i=0)^(n)f_(2i)cos(tx_(2i))-1/2[f_(2n)cos(tx_(2n))+f_0cos(tx_0)] (2) C_(2n-1) = ...
The unique 3-polyiamond, illustrated above.
A confidence interval is an interval in which a measurement or trial falls corresponding to a given probability. Usually, the confidence interval of interest is symmetrically ...
An irrational number x can be called GK-regular (defined here for the first time) if the distribution of its continued fraction coefficients is the Gauss-Kuzmin distribution. ...
Let S_n be the sum of n random variates X_i with a Bernoulli distribution with P(X_i=1)=p_i. Then sum_(k=0)^infty|P(S_n=k)-(e^(-lambda)lambda^k)/(k!)|<2sum_(i=1)^np_i^2, ...
The Mills ratio is defined as m(x) = 1/(h(x)) (1) = (S(x))/(P(x)) (2) = (1-D(x))/(P(x)), (3) where h(x) is the hazard function, S(x) is the survival function, P(x) is the ...
The mean of a distribution with probability density function P(x) is the first raw moment mu_1^', defined by mu=<x>, (1) where <f> is the expectation value. For a continuous ...
Consider a bivariate normal distribution in variables x and y with covariance rho=rho_(11)=<xy>-<x><y> (1) and an arbitrary function g(x,y). Then the expected value of the ...
Sigma is the eighteenth letter of the ancient Greek alphabet. As an upper case letter (Sigma), it is used as a symbol for sums and series. As a lower case letter (sigma) it ...
The tilde is the mark "~" placed on top of a symbol to indicate some special property. x^~ is voiced "x-tilde." The tilde symbol is commonly used to denote an operator. In ...
