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Possessing a single unique mode. The term unimodal distribution, which refers to a distribution having a single local maximum is a slight corruption of this definition.
Let a distribution to be approximated be the distribution F_n of standardized sums Y_n=(sum_(i=1)^(n)(X_i-X^_))/(sqrt(sum_(i=1)^(n)sigma_X^2)). (1) In the Charlier series, ...
The converse of Fisher's theorem.
If X and Y are independent variates and X+Y is a normal distribution, then both X and Y must have normal distributions. This was proved by Cramér in 1936.
Any bivariate distribution function with marginal distribution functions F and G satisfies max{F(x)+G(y)-1,0}<=H(x,y)<=min{F(x),G(y)}.
The Galton board, also known as a quincunx or bean machine, is a device for statistical experiments named after English scientist Sir Francis Galton. It consists of an ...
Let S be partitioned into r×s disjoint sets E_i and F_j where the general subset is denoted E_i intersection F_j. Then the marginal probability of E_i is ...
For R[a+b-c-d]<-1 and a and b not integers,
The orthic axis of the excentral triangle, which is central line L_1 (Casey 1888, p. 177; Kimberling 1998, p. 150) and therefore has trilinear equation alpha+beta+gamma=0. It ...
The Engel expansion, also called the Egyptian product, of a positive real number x is the unique increasing sequence {a_1,a_2,...} of positive integers a_i such that ...
