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The symbol defined by (v,n) = (2^(-2n){(4v^2-1)(4v^2-3^2)...[4v^2-(2n-1)^2]})/(n!) (1) = ((-1)^ncos(piv)Gamma(1/2+n-v)Gamma(1/2+n+v))/(pin!), (2) where Gamma(z) is the gamma ...
J_m(x)=(x^m)/(2^(m-1)sqrt(pi)Gamma(m+1/2))int_0^1cos(xt)(1-t^2)^(m-1/2)dt, where J_m(x) is a Bessel function of the first kind and Gamma(z) is the gamma function. Hankel's ...
If a function phi:(0,infty)->(0,infty) satisfies 1. ln[phi(x)] is convex, 2. phi(x+1)=xphi(x) for all x>0, and 3. phi(1)=1, then phi(x) is the gamma function Gamma(x). ...
where _3F_2(a,b,c;d,e;z) is a generalized hypergeometric function and Gamma(z) is the gamma function (Bailey 1935, p. 16; Koepf 1998, p. 32).
For R[mu+nu]>0, |argp|<pi/4, and a>0, where J_nu(z) is a Bessel function of the first kind, Gamma(z) is the gamma function, and _1F_1(a;b;z) is a confluent hypergeometric ...
There are (at least) two mathematical objects known as Weierstrass forms. The first is a general form into which an elliptic curve over any field K can be transformed, given ...
A reflection relation is a functional equation relating f(-x) to f(x), or more generally, f(a-x) to f(x). Perhaps the best known example of a reflection formula is the gamma ...
For R[nu]>-1/2, J_nu(z)=(z/2)^nu2/(sqrt(pi)Gamma(nu+1/2))int_0^(pi/2)cos(zcost)sin^(2nu)tdt, where J_nu(z) is a Bessel function of the first kind, and Gamma(z) is the gamma ...
Given two functions f and g analytic in A with gamma a simple loop homotopic to a point in A, if |g(z)|<|f(z)| for all z on gamma, then f and f+g have the same number of ...
The amazing identity for all theta, where Gamma(z) is the gamma function. Equating coefficients of theta^0, theta^4, and theta^8 gives some amazing identities for the ...
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