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9701 - 9710 of 13135 for Fractional CalculusSearch Results

In statistics, sampling is the selection and implementation of statistical observations in order to estimate properties of an underlying population. Sampling is a vital part ...
The fractal J(-3/4,0), where J is the Julia set. It slightly resembles the Mandelbrot set.
A partial solution to the Erdős squarefree conjecture which states that the binomial coefficient (2n; n) is never squarefree for all sufficiently large n>=n_0. Sárkőzy (1985) ...
Sarnak's constant is the constant C_(Sarnak) = product_(p>=3)(1-(p+2)/(p^3)) (1) = 0.7236484022... (2) (OEIS A065476), where the product is over the odd primes.
The dodecic surface defined by X_(12)=243S_(12)-22Q_(12)=0, (1) where Q_(12) = (x^2+y^2+z^2+w^2)^6 (2) S_(12) = (3) l_1 = x^4+y^4+z^4+w^4 (4) l_2 = x^2y^2+z^2w^2 (5) l_3 = ...
Let A be a relational system, and let L be a language which is appropriate for A. Let phi be a well-formed formula of L, and let s be a valuation in A. Then A|=_sphi is ...
A Saunders graphic is a plot of the dth base-b digits of a function f(x,y) as a function of x and y. The plots above show Saunders graphics for the functions ...
In n dimensions for n>=5 the arrangement of hyperspheres whose convex hull has minimal content is always a "sausage" (a set of hyperspheres arranged with centers along a ...
A scale-free network is a connected graph or network with the property that the number of links k originating from a given node exhibits a power law distribution ...
A scatter diagram, also called a scatterplot or a scatter plot, is a visualization of the relationship between two variables measured on the same set of individuals. Scatter ...
