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9361 - 9370 of 13135 for Fractional CalculusSearch Results

The 60 Pascal lines of a hexagon inscribed in a conic section intersect three at a time through 20 Steiner points. There is a dual relationship between the 15 Plücker lines ...
Relationships between the number of singularities of plane algebraic curves. Given a plane curve, m = n(n-1)-2delta-3kappa (1) n = m(m-1)-2tau-3iota (2) iota = ...
Pogson's ratio is the constant 100^(1/5)=10^(2/5)=2.511886431... (OEIS A189824) appearing in the definition of the astronomical magnitude (brightness) scale. This scale is ...
The principal theorem of axonometry, first published without proof by Pohlke in 1860. It states that three segments of arbitrary length a^'x^', a^'y^', and a^'z^' which are ...
The equation of a line ax+by+c=0 in slope-intercept form is given by y=-a/bx-c/b, (1) so the line has slope -a/b. Now consider the distance from a point (x_0,y_0) to the ...
Let a line in three dimensions be specified by two points x_1=(x_1,y_1,z_1) and x_2=(x_2,y_2,z_2) lying on it, so a vector along the line is given by v=[x_1+(x_2-x_1)t; ...
Given a plane ax+by+cz+d=0 (1) and a point x_0=(x_0,y_0,z_0), the normal vector to the plane is given by v=[a; b; c], (2) and a vector from the plane to the point is given by ...
The maximum distance between n points in three dimensions can occur no more than 2n-2 times. Also, there exists a fixed number c such that no distance determined by a set of ...
A theory of constructing initial conditions that provides safe convergence of a numerical root-finding algorithm for an equation f(z)=0. Point estimation theory treats ...
A point group is a group of symmetry operations which all leave at least one point unmoved. Although an isolated object may have an arbitrary Schönflies symbol, the ...
