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9131 - 9140 of 13135 for Fractional CalculusSearch Results
A knot which is not alternating. Unlike alternating knots, flype moves are not sufficient to pass between all minimal diagrams of a given nonalternating knot (Hoste et al. ...
The noncentral chi-squared distribution with noncentrality parameter lambda is given by P_r(x) = ...
A proof which indirectly shows a mathematical object exists without providing a specific example or algorithm for producing an example. Nonconstructive proofs are also called ...
A nondeterministic Turing machine is a "parallel" Turing machine that can take many computational paths simultaneously, with the restriction that the parallel Turing machines ...
A set in which no element divides the sum of any nonempty subset of the other elements. For example, {2,3,5} is dividing, since 2|(3+5) (and 5|(2+3)), but {4,6,7} is ...
A noneulerian graph is a graph that is not Eulerian. The numbers of simple noneulerian graphs on n=1, 2, ... nodes are 2, 3, 10, 30, 148, 1007, 12162, 272886, ... (OEIS ...
Consider the number of sequences that can be formed from permutations of a set of elements such that each partial sum is nonnegative. The number of sequences with nonnegative ...
Nonparametric estimation is a statistical method that allows the functional form of a fit to data to be obtained in the absence of any guidance or constraints from theory. As ...
A square matrix that is not singular, i.e., one that has a matrix inverse. Nonsingular matrices are sometimes also called regular matrices. A square matrix is nonsingular iff ...
The word "normal form" is used in a variety of different ways in mathematics. In general, it refers to a way of representing objects so that, although each may have many ...
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