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9091 - 9100 of 13135 for Fractional CalculusSearch Results

Let |z| be a vector norm of a vector z such that ||A||=max_(|z|=1)||Az||. Then ||A|| is a matrix norm which is said to be the natural norm induced (or subordinate) to the ...
The natural projection, also called the homomorphism, is a logical way of mapping an algebraic structure onto its quotient structures. The natural projection pi is defined ...
Let F,G:C->D be functors between categories C and D. A natural transformation Phi from F to G consists of a family Phi_C:F(C)->G(C) of morphisms in D which are indexed by the ...
The problem in computational geometry of identifying the point from a set of points which is nearest to a given point according to some measure of distance. The nearest ...
The primes nearest to the nonnegative integers n=0, 1, 2, ..., assigning ties to the smaller prime, are 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 5, 5, 7, 7, 7, 11, 11, 11, 13, ... (OEIS A051697). If ...
Let C be an error-correcting code consisting of N codewords in which each codeword consists of n letters taken from an alphabet A of length q, and every two distinct ...
The Nechushtan graph, illustrated above, is a 10-vertex 5-chromatic graph that is unit-distance in 3 dimensions. It was used by Nechushtan (2002) in the construction of of a ...
A real quantity having a value less than zero (<0) is said to be negative. Negative numbers are denoted with a minus sign preceding the corresponding positive number, i.e., ...
"Neighborhood" is a word with many different levels of meaning in mathematics. One of the most general concepts of a neighborhood of a point x in R^n (also called an ...
The neighborhood complex N(G) of a locally finite graph G is defined as the abstract simplicial complex formed by the subsets of the neighborhoods of all vertices of G.
