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8721 - 8730 of 13135 for Fractional CalculusSearch Results

Knuth's series is given by S = sum_(k=1)^(infty)((k^k)/(k!e^k)-1/(sqrt(2pik))) (1) = -2/3-1/(sqrt(2pi))zeta(1/2) (2) = -0.08406950872765599646... (3) (OEIS A096616), where ...
A fractal derived from the Koch snowflake. The base curve and motif for the fractal are illustrated below. The area enclosed by pieces of the curve after the nth iteration is ...
The approximation for pi given by pi approx sqrt((40)/3-2sqrt(3)) (1) = 1/3sqrt(120-18sqrt(3)) (2) = 3.141533.... (3) In the above figure, let OA=OF=1, and construct the ...
The König-Egeváry theorem, sometimes simply called König's theorem, asserts that the matching number (i.e., size of a maximum independent edge set) is equal to the vertex ...
A tree with a finite number of branches at each fork and with a finite number of leaves at the end of each branch is called a finitely branching tree. König's lemma states ...
König's line coloring theorem states that the edge chromatic number of any bipartite graph equals its maximum vertex degree. In other words, every bipartite graph is a class ...
For every ring containing p spheres, there exists a ring of q spheres, each touching each of the p spheres, where 1/p+1/q=1/2, (1) which can also be written (p-2)(q-2)=4. (2) ...
Also known as metric entropy. Divide phase space into D-dimensional hypercubes of content epsilon^D. Let P_(i_0,...,i_n) be the probability that a trajectory is in hypercube ...
The Komornik-Loreti constant is the value q such that 1=sum_(n=1)^infty(t_k)/(q^k), (1) where {t_k} is the Thue-Morse sequence, i.e., t_k is the parity of the number of 1's ...
The Koolen-Riebeek graph is a weakly regular graph on 486 vertices with parameters (nu,k,lambda,mu)=(486,45,0,(0,9)). It is distance-regular but not distance-transitive with ...
