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8481 - 8490 of 13135 for Fractional CalculusSearch Results

Let H_n denote the nth hexagonal number and S_m the mth square number, then a number which is both hexagonal and square satisfies the equation H_n=S_m, or n(2n-1)=m^2. (1) ...
A hexahedral graph is a polyhedral graph on six vertices. There are seven distinct hexahedral graphs (illustrated above) which, through duality, correspond to seven convex ...
The hexanacci numbers are a generalization of the Fibonacci numbers defined by H_0=0, H_1=1, H_2=1, H_3=2, H_4=4, H_5=8, and the recurrence relation ...
A polyiamond composed of six equilateral triangles. The 12 hexiamonds are illustrated above. They are given the names bar, crook, crown, sphinx, snake, yacht, chevron, ...
The term "higher dimensional group theory" was introduced by Brown (1982), and refers to a method for obtaining new homotopical information by generalizing to higher ...
An integer n>1 is said to be highly cototient if the equation x-phi(x)=n has more solutions than the equations x-phi(x)=k for all 1<k<n, where phi is the totient function. ...
Given a nonzero finitely generated module M over a commutative Noetherian local ring R with maximal ideal M and a proper ideal I of R, the Hilbert-Samuel function of M with ...
Given a number field K, there exists a unique maximal unramified Abelian extension L of K which contains all other unramified Abelian extensions of K. This finite field ...
The Cartesian product of a countable infinity of copies of the interval [0,1]. It can be denoted [0,1]^(aleph_0) or [0,1]^omega, where aleph_0 and omega are the first ...
Let a hotel have a denumerable set of rooms numbered 1, 2, 3, .... Then any finite number n of guests can be accommodated without evicting the current guests by moving the ...
