Search Results for "Fractional Calculus"
4751 - 4760 of 13135 for Fractional CalculusSearch Results

int_a^b(del f)·ds=f(b)-f(a), where del is the gradient, and the integral is a line integral. It is this relationship which makes the definition of a scalar potential function ...
The determinant G(f_1,f_2,...,f_n)=|intf_1^2dt intf_1f_2dt ... intf_1f_ndt; intf_2f_1dt intf_2^2dt ... intf_2f_ndt; | | ... |; intf_nf_1dt intf_nf_2dt ... intf_n^2dt|.
Given a set V of m vectors (points in R^n), the Gram matrix G is the matrix of all possible inner products of V, i.e., g_(ij)=v_i^(T)v_j. where A^(T) denotes the transpose. ...
Let f_1(x), ..., f_n(x) be real integrable functions over the closed interval [a,b], then the determinant of their integrals satisfies
The graph complement of a graph hole. Graph antiholes are called even if they have an even number of vertices and odd if they have an odd number of vertices (Chvátal). No odd ...
An arc of a graph, sometimes also called a flag, is an ordered pair of adjacent vertices (Godsil and Royle 2001, p. 59), sometimes also called a directed line (Harary 1994, ...
The term in rigidity theory for the edges of a graph.
The co-rank of a graph G is defined as s(G)=m-n+c, where m is the number of edges of G, n is the number of vertices, and c is the number of connected components (Biggs 1993, ...
The composition G=G_1[G_2] of graphs G_1 and G_2 with disjoint point sets V_1 and V_2 and edge sets X_1 and X_2 is the graph with point vertex V_1×V_2 and u=(u_1,u_2) ...
The cube of a graph is defined as its third graph power.