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4401 - 4410 of 13135 for Fractional CalculusSearch Results

For any two ergodic measure-preserving transformations on nonatomic probability spaces, there is an isomorphism between the two probability spaces carrying orbits onto orbits.
Let Jones and Smith be the only two contestants in an election that will end in a deadlock when all votes for Jones (J) and Smith (S) are counted. What is the expectation ...
The eccentric angle of a point on an ellipse with semimajor axes of length a and semiminor axes of length b is the angle t in the parametrization x = acost (1) y = bsint, (2) ...
On the Clebsch diagonal cubic, all 27 of the complex lines present on a general smooth cubic surface are real. In addition, there are 10 points on the surface where three of ...
The equations are x = 2/(sqrt(pi(4+pi)))(lambda-lambda_0)(1+costheta) (1) y = 2sqrt(pi/(4+pi))sintheta, (2) where theta is the solution to ...
The equations are x = ((lambda-lambda_0)(1+costheta))/(sqrt(2+pi)) (1) y = (2theta)/(sqrt(2+pi)), (2) where theta is the solution to theta+sintheta=(1+1/2pi)sinphi. (3) This ...
A Padé approximant perturbed with a Chebyshev polynomial of the first kind to reduce the leading coefficient in the error.
136·2^(256) approx 1.575×10^(79). According to Eddington, the exact number of protons in the universe, where 136 was the reciprocal of the fine structure constant as best as ...
An edge automorphism of a graph G is a permutation of the edges of G that sends edges with common endpoint into edges with a common endpoint. The set of all edge ...
The set of all edge automorphisms of G, denoted Aut^*(G). Let L(G) be the line graph of a graph G. Then the edge automorphism group Aut^*(G) is isomorphic to Aut(L(G)), ...
