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4231 - 4240 of 13135 for Fractional CalculusSearch Results

The polyhedron compound consisting of the cuboctahedron and its dual, the rhombic dodecahedron, illustrated in the left figure above. The right figure shows the solid common ...
The cumulative count of property P for a sequence S_n={a_1,a_2,...,a_n} is a sequence of counts of the numbers of elements a_i with i<=k that satisfy P for k=1, 2, ..., n. ...
A cumulative product is a sequence of partial products of a given sequence. For example, the cumulative products of the sequence {a,b,c,...}, are a, ab, abc, .... Cumulative ...
A cumulative sum is a sequence of partial sums of a given sequence. For example, the cumulative sums of the sequence {a,b,c,...}, are a, a+b, a+b+c, .... Cumulative sums are ...
The evolute of the curtate cycloid x = at-bsint (1) y = a-bcost (2) (with b<a) is given by x = (a[-2bt+2atcost-2asint+bsin(2t)])/(2(acost-b)) (3) y = ...
One of the Plücker characteristics, defined by p=1/2(n-1)(n-2)-(delta+kappa)=1/2(m-1)(m-2)-(tau+iota), where m is the class, n the order, delta the number of nodes, kappa the ...
A curve has positive orientation if a region R is on the left when traveling around the outside of R, or on the right when traveling around the inside of R.
The quartic surface resembling a squashed round cushion on a barroom stool and given by the equation z^2x^2-z^4-2zx^2+2z^3+x^2-z^2 -(x^2-z)^2-y^4-2x^2y^2-y^2z^2+2y^2z+y^2=0.
The slicing of a three-dimensional object by a plane (or more general slice).
A cycle double cover of an undirected graph is a collection of cycles that cover each edge of the graph exactly twice. For a polyhedral graph, the faces of a corresponding ...
