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3971 - 3980 of 13135 for Fractional CalculusSearch Results
In 1891, Chebyshev and Sylvester showed that for sufficiently large x, there exists at least one prime number p satisfying x<p<(1+alpha)x, where alpha=0.092.... Since the ...
A sum of the digits in a given transmission modulo some number. The simplest form of checksum is a parity bit appended on to 7-bit numbers (e.g., ASCII characters) such that ...
Consider the set of compact n-Riemannian manifolds M with diameter(M)<=d, Volume(M)>=V, and |K|<=kappa where kappa is the sectional curvature. Then there is a bound on the ...
A fake knot (i.e., a knot equivalent to the unknot) created by tying a square knot, then looping one end twice through the knot such that when both ends are pulled, the knot ...
A gadget defined for complex vector bundles. The Chern classes of a complex manifold are the Chern classes of its tangent bundle. The ith Chern class is an obstruction to the ...
The Chern number is defined in terms of the Chern class of a manifold as follows. For any collection Chern classes such that their cup product has the same dimension as the ...
The 6-polyiamond illustrated above.
The inequality (j+1)a_j+a_i>=(j+1)i, which is satisfied by all A-sequences.
A node which is one graph edge further away from a given node in a rooted tree.
Chinese checkers is a game roughly analogous to checkers played on a board in the shape of a centered hexagram. The board has a total of S_5=121 holes, where S_n is a star ...
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