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3901 - 3910 of 13135 for Fractional CalculusSearch Results

A clear-cut way of describing every object in a class in a one-to-one manner.
A function f mapping a set X->X/R (X modulo R), where R is an equivalence relation in X, is called a canonical map.
The points on a line can be put into a one-to-one correspondence with the real numbers.
omega^epsilon=epsilon, where omega is an ordinal number and epsilon is an inaccessible cardinal.
The cardinal number of any set is lower than the cardinal number of the set of all its subsets. A corollary is that there is no highest aleph (aleph).
A quartic curve that resembles the symbol for the zodiacal sign Capricorn given by the implicit equation a^2x^2(x^2+y^2)-b(ay-x^2-y^2)^2=0, where a>0, b>a^2. The curve ...
A capsule is a term coined here for a stadium of revolution, i.e., a cylinder with two hemispherical caps on either end. The capsule is implemented in the Wolfram Language as ...
Each point in the convex hull of a set S in R^n is in the convex combination of n+1 or fewer points of S.
The catacaustic of a cardioid for a radiant point along the x-axis is complicated function of x. For x=0 (i.e., with radiant point at the cusp), however, the catacaustic for ...
The evolute of the cardioid x = cost(1+cost) (1) y = sint(1+cost) (2) is the curve x_e = 2/3a+1/3acostheta(1-costheta) (3) y_e = 1/3asintheta(1-costheta), (4) which is a ...
