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3371 - 3380 of 13135 for Fractional CalculusSearch Results
Gregory's formula is a formula that allows a definite integral of a function to be expressed by its sum and differences, or its sum by its integral and difference (Jordan ...
Let the values of a function f(x) be tabulated at points x_i equally spaced by h=x_(i+1)-x_i, so f_1=f(x_1), f_2=f(x_2), ..., f_7=f(x_7). Then Hardy's rule approximating the ...
The hat is a caret-shaped symbol commonly placed on top of variables to give them special meaning. The symbol x^^ is voiced "x-hat" (or sometimes as "x-roof") in mathematics, ...
The Helmholtz differential equation in spherical coordinates is separable. In fact, it is separable under the more general condition that k^2 is of the form ...
The idempotent numbers are given by B_(n,k)(1,2,3,...)=(n; k)k^(n-k), where B_(n,k) is a Bell polynomial and (n; k) is a binomial coefficient. A table of the first few is ...
"Implies" is the connective in propositional calculus which has the meaning "if A is true, then B is also true." In formal terminology, the term conditional is often used to ...
An algorithm for finding roots which retains that prior estimate for which the function value has opposite sign from the function value at the current best estimate of the ...
Modus tollens is a valid argument form in propositional calculus in which p and q are propositions. If p implies q, and q is false, then p is false. Also known as an indirect ...
Given a sequence {a_i}_(i=1)^N, an n-moving average is a new sequence {s_i}_(i=1)^(N-n+1) defined from the a_i by taking the arithmetic mean of subsequences of n terms, ...
NAND, also known as the Sheffer stroke, is a connective in logic equivalent to the composition NOT AND that yields true if any condition is false, and false if all conditions ...
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