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3141 - 3150 of 13135 for Fractional CalculusSearch Results

An equation of the form P(x)=0, where P(x) is a polynomial.
A homogeneous polynomial in two or more variables.
If a polynomial P(x) is divided by (x-r), then the remainder is a constant given by P(r).
The ring R[x] of polynomials in a variable x.
A sequence of polynomials p_i(x), for i=0, 1, 2, ..., where p_i(x) is exactly of degree i for all i.
The difference between the highest and lowest degrees of a polynomial.
The vertex of a polytope is a point where edges of the polytope meet.
The relationship x precedes y is written x≺y. The relation x precedes or is equal to y is written x<=y.
alpha is called a predecessor if there is no ordinal number beta such that beta+1=alpha.
Predictability at a time tau in the future is defined by (R(x(t),x(t+tau)))/(H(x(t))), and linear predictability by (L(x(t),x(t+tau)))/(H(x(t))), where R and L are the ...
