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211 - 220 of 473 for Fourier synthesysSearch Results

Given the binary quadratic form ax^2+2bxy+cy^2 (1) with polynomial discriminant b^2-ac, let x = pX+qY (2) y = rX+sY. (3) Then a(pX+qY)^2+2b(pX+qY)(rX+sY)+c(rX+sY)^2 ...
A plot of y_i versus the estimator e_i=y^^_i-y_i. Random scatter indicates the model is probably good. A pattern indicates a problem with the model. If the spread in e_i ...
P(Z)=Z/(sigma^2)exp(-(Z^2+|V|^2)/(2sigma^2))I_0((Z|V|)/(sigma^2)), where I_0(z) is a modified Bessel function of the first kind and Z>0. For a derivation, see Papoulis ...
An operator relating the past asymptotic state of a dynamical system governed by the Schrödinger equation id/(dt)psi(t)=Hpsi(t) to its future asymptotic state.
A phase curve (i.e., an invariant manifold) which meets a hyperbolic fixed point (i.e., an intersection of a stable and an unstable invariant manifold) or connects the ...
The property intf(y)delta(x-y)dy=f(x) obeyed by the delta function delta(x).
The singular support of a generalized function u is the complement of the largest open set on which u is smooth. Roughly speaking, it is the closed set where the distribution ...
A diagonal of a square matrix which is traversed in the "northeast" direction. "The" skew diagonal (or "secondary diagonal") of an n×n square matrix is the skew diagonal from ...
A surface harmonic of degree l which is premultiplied by a factor r^l. Confusingly, solid harmonics are also known as "spherical harmonics" (Whittaker and Watson 1990, p. ...
A spherical polyhedron is set of arcs on the surface of a sphere corresponding to the projections of the edges of a polyhedron. The images above illustrate the spherical ...
