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931 - 940 of 1192 for Fourier Transform GaussianSearch Results
Any continuous function G:B^n->B^n has a fixed point, where B^n={x in R^n:x_1^2+...+x_n^2<=1} is the unit n-ball.
Let S be a collection of subsets of a set X, mu:S->[0,infty] a set function, and mu^* the outer measure induced by mu. The measure mu^_ that is the restriction of mu^* to the ...
A special point which usually has some symmetric placement with respect to points on a curve or in a solid. The center of a circle is equidistant from all points on the ...
A chamfered polyhedron, also known as an egde-truncated polyhedron, is a polyhedron constructed from an original polyhedron by moving faces outward while retaining the ...
The Church-Rosser theorem states that lambda calculus as a reduction system with lambda conversion rules satisfies the Church-Rosser property.
The functions describing the horizontal and vertical positions of a point on a circle as a function of angle (cosine and sine) and those functions derived from them: cotx = ...
Let O be an order of an imaginary quadratic field. The class equation of O is the equation H_O=0, where H_O is the extension field minimal polynomial of j(O) over Q, with ...
A coequalizer of a pair of maps f,g:X->Y in a category is a map c:Y->C such that 1. c degreesf=c degreesg, where degrees denotes composition. 2. For any other map c^':Y->C^' ...
A completely monotonic function is a function f(x) such that (-1)^(-n)f^((n))(x)>=0 for n=0, 1, 2, .... Such functions occur in areas such as probability theory (Feller ...
Some computations allow shortcuts which can be used to speed them up. Consider the operation of raising a number to a positive integer power. It is possible, for example, to ...
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