Search Results for "Fourier Transform Gaussian"
201 - 210 of 1192 for Fourier Transform GaussianSearch Results

A quartic surface which can be constructed as follows. Given a circle C and plane E perpendicular to the plane of C, move a second circle K of the same radius as C through ...
A extension ring (or ring extension) of a ring R is any ring S of which R is a subring. For example, the field of rational numbers Q and the ring of Gaussian integers Z[i] ...
A univariate distribution proportional to the F-distribution. If the vector d is Gaussian multivariate-distributed with zero mean and unit covariance matrix N_p(0,I) and M is ...
An algorithm in control theory introduced by Kalman (1960) and refined by Kalman and Bucy (1961). It is an algorithm which makes optimal use of imprecise data on a linear (or ...
Let R^3 be the space in which a knot K sits. Then the space "around" the knot, i.e., everything but the knot itself, is denoted R^3-K and is called the knot complement of K ...
The Montgomery-Odlyzko law (which is a law in the sense of empirical observation instead of through mathematical proof) states that the distribution of the spacing between ...
In a set X equipped with a binary operation · called a product, the multiplicative identity is an element e such that e·x=x·e=x for all x in X. It can be, for example, the ...
A continuous-time stochastic process W(t) for t>=0 with W(0)=0 and such that the increment W(t)-W(s) is Gaussian with mean 0 and variance t-s for any 0<=s<t, and increments ...
A method for finding a matrix inverse. To apply Gauss-Jordan elimination, operate on a matrix [A I]=[a_(11) ... a_(1n) 1 0 ... 0; a_(21) ... a_(2n) 0 1 ... 0; | ... | | | ... ...
A map which uses a set of rules to transform elements of a sequence into a new sequence using a set of rules which "translate" from the original sequence to its ...