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A sequence is an ordered set of mathematical objects. Sequences of object are most commonly denoted using braces. For example, the symbol {2n}_(n=1)^infty denotes the ...
Let a_1=1 and define a_(n+1) to be the least integer greater than a_n which cannot be written as the sum of at most h>=2 addends among the terms a_1, a_2, ..., a_n. This ...
A subgraph G^' of a graph G is a graph G^' whose vertex set and edge set are subsets of those of G. If G^' is a subgraph of G, then G is said to be a supergraph of G^' ...
An outcome is a subset of a probability space. Experimental outcomes are not uniquely determined from the description of an experiment, and must be agreed upon to avoid ...
In statistics, a trial is a single performance of well-defined experiment (Papoulis 1984, p. 25), such as the flipping of a coin, the generation of a random number, the ...
There are several types of numbers that are commonly termed "lucky numbers." The first is the lucky numbers of Euler. The second is obtained by writing out all odd numbers: ...
If r experiments are performed with n_i possible outcomes for each experiment i=1,2,...,r, then there are a total of product_(i=1)^(r)n_i possible outcomes.
One out of a set of identical observations in a given experiment under identical conditions.
A dependent variable is a variable whose value depends on the values of one or more other independent variables. This notion comes up regularly in a variety of contexts. In ...
A variate is a generalization of the concept of a random variable that is defined without reference to a particular type of probabilistic experiment. It is defined as the set ...