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391 - 400 of 996 for Fast Fourier TransformSearch Results

Four circles c_1, c_2, c_3, and c_4 are tangent to a fifth circle or a straight line iff T_(12)T_(34)+/-T_(13)T_(42)+/-T_(14)T_(23)=0. (1) where T_(ij) is the length of a ...
Discrete mathematics is the branch of mathematics dealing with objects that can assume only distinct, separated values. The term "discrete mathematics" is therefore used in ...
A two-player game, also called crosscram, in which player H has horizontal dominoes and player V has vertical dominoes. The two players alternately place a domino on a board ...
The Fox H-function is a very general function defined by where 0<=m<=q, 0<=n<=p, alpha_j,beta_j>0, and a_j,b_j are complex numbers such that no pole of Gamma(b_j-beta_js) for ...
A gamma distribution is a general type of statistical distribution that is related to the beta distribution and arises naturally in processes for which the waiting times ...
"The" I graph is the path graph on two vertices: P_2. An I-graph I(n,j,k) for 1<=j,k<n and j,k!=n/2 is a generalization of a generalized Petersen graph and has vertex set ...
The Lagrange interpolating polynomial is the polynomial P(x) of degree <=(n-1) that passes through the n points (x_1,y_1=f(x_1)), (x_2,y_2=f(x_2)), ..., (x_n,y_n=f(x_n)), and ...
The intersection of two lines L_1 and L_2 in two dimensions with, L_1 containing the points (x_1,y_1) and (x_2,y_2), and L_2 containing the points (x_3,y_3) and (x_4,y_4), is ...
The pentaflake is a fractal with 5-fold symmetry. As illustrated above, five pentagons can be arranged around an identical pentagon to form the first iteration of the ...
A rose curve, also called Grandi's rose or the multifolium, is a curve which has the shape of a petalled flower. This curve was named rhodonea by the Italian mathematician ...
