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Probability and Statistics
The above topological structure, composed of a countable union of compact sets, is called Alexander's horned sphere. It is homeomorphic with the ball B^3, and its boundary is ...
A class of formal series expansions in derivatives of a distribution Psi(t) which may (but need not) be the normal distribution function Phi(t)=1/(sqrt(2pi))e^(-t^2/2) (1) ...
A problem sometimes known as Moser's circle problem asks to determine the number of pieces into which a circle is divided if n points on its circumference are joined by ...
A coincidence is a surprising concurrence of events, perceived as meaningfully related, with no apparent causal connection (Diaconis and Mosteller 1989). Given a large number ...
Let a distribution to be approximated be the distribution F_n of standardized sums Y_n=(sum_(i=1)^(n)(X_i-X^_))/(sqrt(sum_(i=1)^(n)sigma_X^2)). (1) In the Charlier series, ...
Consider the Euclid numbers defined by E_k=1+p_k#, where p_k is the kth prime and p# is the primorial. The first few values of E_k are 3, 7, 31, 211, 2311, 30031, 510511, ... ...
Let the difference of successive primes be defined by d_n=p_(n+1)-p_n, and d_n^k by d_n^k={d_n for k=1; |d_(n+1)^(k-1)-d_n^(k-1)| for k>1. (1) N. L. Gilbreath claimed that ...
Consider the recurrence relation x_n=(1+x_0^2+x_1^2+...+x_(n-1)^2)/n, (1) with x_0=1. The first few iterates of x_n are 1, 2, 3, 5, 10, 28, 154, ... (OEIS A003504). The terms ...
Let theta(t) be the Riemann-Siegel function. The unique value g_n such that theta(g_n)=pin (1) where n=0, 1, ... is then known as a Gram point (Edwards 2001, pp. 125-126). An ...
