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761 - 770 of 1426 for Exponential IntegralSearch Results
The Poincaré group is another name for the inhomogeneous Lorentz group (Weinberg 1972, p. 28) and corresponds to the group of inhomogeneous Lorentz transformations, also ...
The point group C_1 is a group on a single element that is isomorphic to the trivial group. Its character table is given below. C_1 1 1 1
The Reidemeister move of type II.
A positive measure is a measure which is a function from the measurable sets of a measure space to the nonnegative real numbers. Sometimes, this is what is meant by measure, ...
A relation "<=" is called a preorder (or quasiorder) on a set S if it satisfies: 1. Reflexivity: a<=a for all a in S. 2. Transitivity: a<=b and b<=c implies a<=c. A preorder ...
If f(x) is a nonconstant integer polynomial and c is an integer such that f(c) is divisible by the prime p, that p is called a prime divisor of the polynomial f(x) (Nagell ...
A set S with a single point P removed is called a punctured set, written S\{P}.
The radian is a unit of angular measure defined such that an angle of one radian subtended from the center of a unit circle produces an arc with arc length 1. A full angle is ...
The Radon transform is an integral transform whose inverse is used to reconstruct images from medical CT scans. A technique for using Radon transforms to reconstruct a map of ...
int_0^inftycos(2zt)sech(pit)dt=1/2sechz for |I[z]|<pi/2. A related integral is int_0^inftycosh(2zt)sech(pit)dt=1/2secz for |R[z]|<pi/2.
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