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1241 - 1250 of 1637 for Euler Maclaurin Integration FormulasSearch Results
A figurate number which is constructed as an octahedral number with a square pyramid removed from each of the six graph vertices, TO_n = O_(3n-2)-6P_(n-1)^((4)) (1) = ...
A Tucker hexagon is a hexagon inscribed in a reference triangle that has sides which are alternately parallel and antiparallel to the corresponding sides of the triangle. ...
A two-graph (V,Delta) on nodes V is a collection Delta of unordered triples of the vertices (the so-called "odd triples") such that each 4-tuple of V contains an even number ...
An ungraceful graph is a simple graph that does not possess a graceful labeling, i.e., a graph that is not a graceful graph (Gardner 1972). Such graphs have also been termed ...
An ascending chain of subspaces of a vector space. If V is an n-dimensional vector space, a flag of V is a filtration V_0 subset V_1 subset ... subset V_r, (1) where all ...
In his Meditationes algebraicae, Waring (1770, 1782) proposed a generalization of Lagrange's four-square theorem, stating that every rational integer is the sum of a fixed ...
On July 10, 2003, Eric Weisstein computed the numbers of n×n (0,1)-matrices all of whose eigenvalues are real and positive, obtaining counts for n=1, 2, ... of 1, 3, 25, 543, ...
Whipple derived a great many identities for generalized hypergeometric functions, many of which are consequently known as Whipple's identities (transformations, etc.). Among ...
The White House switchboard constant is the name given by Munroe (2012) to the constant W = exp[-(1+8^(1/(e-1)))^(1/pi)] (1) = 0.202456141492... (2) (OEIS A182064), the first ...
Conditions arising in the study of the Robbins axiom and its connection with Boolean algebra. Winkler studied Boolean conditions (such as idempotence or existence of a zero) ...
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