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621 - 630 of 1299 for Equivalent and non-equivalent fractionsSearch Results

Consider the local behavior of a map f:R^m->R^n by choosing a point x in R^m and an open neighborhood U subset R^m such that x in U. Now consider the set of all mappings ...
Markov's theorem states that equivalent braids expressing the same link are mutually related by successive applications of two types of Markov moves. Markov's theorem is ...
Nonhomogeneous matrix equations of the form Ax=b (1) can be solved by taking the matrix inverse to obtain x=A^(-1)b. (2) This equation will have a nontrivial solution iff the ...
The proposition that every proper ideal of a Boolean algebra can be extended to a maximal ideal. It is equivalent to the Boolean representation theorem, which can be proved ...
A maximal independent edge set of a graph is an independent edge set that cannot be expanded to another independent edge set by addition of any edge in the graph. Note that a ...
A maximal irredundant set is an irredundant set that cannot be expanded to another irredundant set by addition of any vertex in the graph. Note that a maximal irredundant set ...
A subset E of a topological space S is said to be meager if E is of first category in S, i.e., if E can be written as the countable union of subsets which are nowhere dense ...
A function f:X->R is measurable if, for every real number a, the set {x in X:f(x)>a} is measurable. When X=R with Lebesgue measure, or more generally any Borel measure, then ...
A variable x is memoryless with respect to t if, for all s with t!=0, P(x>s+t|x>t)=P(x>s). (1) Equivalently, (P(x>s+t,x>t))/(P(x>t)) = P(x>s) (2) P(x>s+t) = P(x>s)P(x>t). (3) ...
A meromorphic function is a single-valued function that is analytic in all but possibly a discrete subset of its domain, and at those singularities it must go to infinity ...
