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1211 - 1220 of 1299 for Equivalent and non-equivalent fractionsSearch Results

In the fields of functional and harmonic analysis, the Littlewood-Paley decomposition is a particular way of decomposing the phase plane which takes a single function and ...
A matching, also called an independent edge set, on a graph G is a set of edges of G such that no two sets share a vertex in common. It is not possible for a matching on a ...
A maximum clique of a graph G is a clique (i.e., complete subgraph) of maximum possible size for G. Note that some authors refer to maximum cliques simply as "cliques." The ...
The Meredith graph is a quartic nonhamiltonian graph on 70 nodes and 140 edges that is a counterexample to the conjecture that every 4-regular 4-connected graph is ...
Multivariate zeta function, also called multiple zeta values, multivariate zeta constants (Bailey et al. 2006, p. 43), multi-zeta values (Bailey et al. 2006, p. 17), and ...
Percolation theory deals with fluid flow (or any other similar process) in random media. If the medium is a set of regular lattice points, then there are two main types of ...
A polyomino tiling is a tiling of the plane by specified types of polyominoes. Tiling by polyominoes has been investigated since at least the late 1950s, particularly by S. ...
A graph with projective plane crossing number equal to 0 may be said to be projective planar. Examples of projective planar graphs with graph crossing number >=2 include the ...
The quadratic embedding constant QEC(G) of a finite simple connected graph G on n vertices is defined as the maximum of the product vDv over all real n-vectors v satisfying ...
A second-order algebraic surface given by the general equation (1) Quadratic surfaces are also called quadrics, and there are 17 standard-form types. A quadratic surface ...
