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A general class of means introduced by Italian mathematician Oscar Chisini (pronounced keeseenee) in 1929. Given a function of n variables f(x_1,...,x_n), the Chisini mean of ...
Let a knot K be parameterized by a vector function v(t) with t in S^1, and let w be a fixed unit vector in R^3. Count the number of local minima of the projection function ...
A function f is Fréchet differentiable at a if lim_(x->a)(f(x)-f(a))/(x-a) exists. This is equivalent to the statement that phi has a removable discontinuity at a, where ...
A functional is a real-valued function on a vector space V, usually of functions. For example, the energy functional on the unit disk D assigns a number to any differentiable ...
The q-hypergeometric function identity _rphi_s^'[a,qsqrt(a),-qsqrt(a),1/b,1/c,1/d,1/e,1/f; sqrt(a),-sqrt(a),abq,acq,adq,aeq,afq] ...
A theorem, also called the iteration theorem, that makes use of the lambda notation introduced by Church. Let phi_x^((k)) denote the recursive function of k variables with ...
Informally, an L^2-function is a function f:X->R that is square integrable, i.e., |f|^2=int_X|f|^2dmu with respect to the measure mu, exists (and is finite), in which case ...
For any constructible function f, there exists a function P_f such that for all functions t, the following two statements are equivalent: 1. There exists an algorithm A such ...
The sum c_q(m)=sum_(h^*(q))e^(2piihm/q), (1) where h runs through the residues relatively prime to q, which is important in the representation of numbers by the sums of ...
The Weierstrass constant is defined as the value sigma(1|1,i)/2, where sigma(z|omega_1,omega_2) is the Weierstrass sigma function with half-periods omega_1 and omega_2. ...
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