Search Results for "Entire Function"
571 - 580 of 3390 for Entire FunctionSearch Results

The singular support of a generalized function u is the complement of the largest open set on which u is smooth. Roughly speaking, it is the closed set where the distribution ...
J_m(x)=(2x^(m-n))/(2^(m-n)Gamma(m-n))int_0^1J_n(xt)t^(n+1)(1-t^2)^(m-n-1)dt, where J_m(x) is a Bessel function of the first kind and Gamma(x) is the gamma function.
The function intx gives the integer part of x. In many computer languages, the function is denoted int(x). It is related to the floor and ceiling functions |_x_| and [x] by ...
where _5F_4(a,b,c,d,e;f,g,h,i;z) is a generalized hypergeometric function and Gamma(z) is the gamma function. Bailey (1935, pp. 25-26) called the Dougall-Ramanujan identity ...
The vertical line test is a graphical method of determining whether a curve in the plane represents the graph of a function by visually examining the number of intersections ...
The map which assigns every member of a set A to the same element id_A. It is identical to the identity function.
A set A of integers is recursively isomorphic to set B if there is a bijective recursive function f such that f(A)=B.
The sequency k of a Walsh function is defined as half the number of zero crossings in the time base.
The property intf(y)delta(x-y)dy=f(x) obeyed by the delta function delta(x).
The study of valuations which simplifies class field theory and the theory of function fields.