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The probability that a random integer between 1 and x will have its greatest prime factor <=x^alpha approaches a limiting value F(alpha) as x->infty, where F(alpha)=1 for ...
Given a function f(x)=f_0(x), write f_1=f^'(x) and define the Sturm functions by f_n(x)=-{f_(n-2)(x)-f_(n-1)(x)[(f_(n-2)(x))/(f_(n-1)(x))]}, (1) where [P(x)/Q(x)] is a ...
A "curve" (i.e., a continuous map of a one-dimensional interval) into a two-dimensional area (a plane-filling function) or a three-dimensional volume.
An anti-analytic function is a function f satisfying the condition (df)/(dz)=0. (1) Using the result ...
An asymmetrical apodization function defined by M(x,b,d)={0 for x<-b; (x-b)/(2b) for -b<x<b; 1 for b<x<b+2d; 0 for x<b+2d, (1) where the two-sided portion is 2b long (total) ...
The Coulomb wave function is a special case of the confluent hypergeometric function of the first kind. It gives the solution to the radial Schrödinger equation in the ...
Let Pi(x) be the rectangle function, then the Fourier transform is F_x[Pi(x)](k)=sinc(pik), where sinc(x) is the sinc function.
The regularized gamma functions are defined by P(a,z) = (gamma(a,z))/(Gamma(a)) (1) Q(a,z) = (Gamma(a,z))/(Gamma(a)), (2) where gamma(a,z) and Gamma(a,z) are incomplete gamma ...
The sum of the aliquot divisors of n, given by s(n)=sigma(n)-n, where sigma(n) is the divisor function. The first few values are 0, 1, 1, 3, 1, 6, 1, 7, 4, 8, 1, 16, ... ...
A function f(z) is said to be doubly periodic if it has two periods omega_1 and omega_2 whose ratio omega_2/omega_1 is not real. A doubly periodic function that is analytic ...
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