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The Blancmange function, also called the Takagi fractal curve (Peitgen and Saupe 1988), is a pathological continuous function which is nowhere differentiable. Its name ...
Let c and d!=c be real numbers (usually taken as c=1 and d=0). The Dirichlet function is defined by D(x)={c for x rational; d for x irrational (1) and is discontinuous ...
The apodization function f(x)=1-(|x|)/a (1) which is a generalization of the one-argument triangle function. Its full width at half maximum is a. It has instrument function ...
A function which arises in the fractional integral of e^(at), given by E_t(nu,a) = (e^(at))/(Gamma(nu))int_0^tx^(nu-1)e^(-ax)dx (1) = (a^(-nu)e^(at)gamma(nu,at))/(Gamma(nu)), ...
A folding function is a function that maps the integers Z={...,-3,-2,-1,0,1,2,3,...} onto the nonnegative integers Z^*={0,1,2,3,...}. This type of function arises naturally ...
A central circle is a circle with trilinear equation (lalpha+mbeta+ngamma)(aalpha+bbeta+cgamma)+k(abetagamma+bgammaalpha+calphabeta)=0 such that l:m:n is a triangle center ...
The function f_theta(z)=z/((1+e^(itheta)z)^2) (1) defined on the unit disk |z|<1. For theta in [0,2pi), the Köbe function is a schlicht function f(z)=z+sum_(j=2)^inftya_jz^j ...
The Griewank function is a function widely used to test the convergence of optimization functions. The Griewank function of order n is defined by ...
A function which satisfies f(tx,ty)=t^nf(x,y) for a fixed n. Means, the Weierstrass elliptic function, and triangle center functions are homogeneous functions. A ...
A function which is not defined explicitly, but rather is defined in terms of an algebraic relationship (which can not, in general, be "solved" for the function in question). ...
