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The outer Napoleon circle, a term coined here for the first time, is the circumcircle of the outer Napoleon triangle. It has center at the triangle centroid G (and is thus ...
A skewed distribution which is similar to the binomial distribution when p!=q (Abramowitz and Stegun 1972, p. 930). y=k(t+A)^(A^2-1)e^(-At), (1) for t in [0,infty) where A = ...
The mean of a distribution with probability density function P(x) is the first raw moment mu_1^', defined by mu=<x>, (1) where <f> is the expectation value. For a continuous ...
A random variable is a measurable function from a probability space (S,S,P) into a measurable space (S^',S^') known as the state space (Doob 1996). Papoulis (1984, p. 88) ...
The consideration of the result of a numerical calculation as a function of an adjustable parameter (usually the step size). The function can then be fitted and evaluated at ...
The solutions to the Riemann P-differential equation are known as the Riemann P-series, or sometimes the Riemann P-function, given by u(z)=P{a b c; alpha beta gamma; alpha^' ...
A Saunders graphic is a plot of the dth base-b digits of a function f(x,y) as a function of x and y. The plots above show Saunders graphics for the functions ...
Let x be a positive number, and define lambda(d) = mu(d)[ln(x/d)]^2 (1) f(n) = sum_(d)lambda(d), (2) where the sum extends over the divisors d of n, and mu(n) is the Möbius ...
The sequence 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 4, ... (OEIS A002024) consisting of 1 copy of 1, 2 copies of 2, 3 copies of 3, and so on. Surprisingly, there exist simple formulas ...
A series expansion is a representation of a particular function as a sum of powers in one of its variables, or by a sum of powers of another (usually elementary) function ...
