
Search Results for "Elongated Square Dipyramid"

901 - 910 of 1287 for Elongated Square DipyramidSearch Results
"The" H graph is the tree on 6 vertices illustrated above. It is implemented in the Wolfram Language as GraphData["HGraph"]. The term "H-graph" is also used to refer to a ...
The Hanoi graph H_n corresponding to the allowed moves in the tower of Hanoi problem. The above figure shows the Hanoi graphs for small n. The Hanoi graph H_n can be ...
A quartic symmetric graph on 30 nodes and 60 edges corresponding to the skeleton of the Archimdean icosidodecahedron, great dodecahemidodecahedron, great icosidodecahedron, ...
Ball and Coxeter (1987, pp. 277-278) define the ladder graph nP_2, here called the ladder rung graph, of order n as the graph union of n copies of the path graph P_2. The ...
A one-person game played on a rectangular lattice of lamps which can be turned on and off. A move consists of flipping a "switch" inside one of the squares, thereby toggling ...
A graph G is said to be locally X, where X is a graph (or class of graphs), when for every vertex v, the graph induced on G by the set of adjacent vertices of V (sometimes ...
A magic cube is an n×n×n version of a magic square in which the n^2 rows, n^2 columns, n^2 pillars, and four space diagonals each sum to a single number M_3(n) known as the ...
A magic hexagon of order n is an arrangement of close-packed hexagons containing the numbers 1, 2, ..., H_(n-1), where H_n is the nth hex number such that the numbers along ...
A magic tesseract is a four-dimensional generalization of the two-dimensional magic square and the three-dimensional magic cube. A magic tesseract has magic constant ...
The McGee graph is a cubic symmetric graph on 24 nodes and 36 edges which is the unique 7-cage graph. It can be constructed as the union of the two leftmost subgraphs ...
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