
Search Results for "Elongated Square Dipyramid"

421 - 430 of 1287 for Elongated Square DipyramidSearch Results
A complete metric space is a metric space in which every Cauchy sequence is convergent. Examples include the real numbers with the usual metric, the complex numbers, ...
The difference of two complex numbers z=x+iy and z^'=x^'+iy^' is given by z-z^'=(x-x^')+i(y-y^'). In component form, (x,y)-(x^',y^')=(x-x^',y-y^').
A concordance between knots K_0 and K_1 in S^3 is a locally flat cylinder C=S^1×[0,1] embedded in S^3×[0,1] in such a way that the ends S^1×{1} are embedded in S^3×{i} as ...
Two square matrices A and B are called congruent if there exists a nonsingular matrix P such that B=P^(T)AP, where P^(T) is the transpose.
While the above figure appears to be a sequence of nested squares, it actually consists of a single square spiral.
An n×n square matrix M with M_(ii) = 1 (1) M_(ij) = M_(ji)>1 (2) for all i,j=1, ..., n.
The largest cube dividing a positive integer n. For n=1, 2, ..., the first few are 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 8, 1, 1, ... (OEIS A008834).
The slicing of a three-dimensional object by a plane (or more general slice).
A linear code C is cyclic if for every codeword (c_0,c_1,...,c_(n-1)) in C, the codeword (c_(n-1),c_0,c_1,...,c_(n-2)) is also in C.
A branch of game theory dealing with strategies to maximize the outcome of a given process in the face of uncertain conditions.
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