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271 - 280 of 1287 for Elongated Square DipyramidSearch Results

Prince Rupert's cube is the largest cube that can be made to pass through a given cube. In other words, the cube having a side length equal to the side length of the largest ...
A figurate number corresponding to a configuration of points which form a pyramid with r-sided regular polygon bases can be thought of as a generalized pyramidal number, and ...
The Latin prefix quadri- is used to indicate the number 4, for example, quadrilateral, quadrant, etc. However, it also very commonly used to denote objects involving the ...
A square n×n matrix A=a_(ij) is called reducible if the indices 1, 2, ..., n can be divided into two disjoint nonempty sets i_1, i_2, ..., i_mu and j_1, j_2, ..., j_nu (with ...
A rounded rectangle is the shape obtained by taking the convex hull of four equal circles of radius r and placing their centers at the four corners of a rectangle with side ...
A partial solution to the Erdős squarefree conjecture which states that the binomial coefficient (2n; n) is never squarefree for all sufficiently large n>=n_0. Sárkőzy (1985) ...
Two square matrices A and B that are related by B=X^(-1)AX, (1) where X is a square nonsingular matrix are said to be similar. A transformation of the form X^(-1)AX is called ...
A number is squareful, also called nonsquarefree, if it contains at least one square in its prime factorization. The first few are 4, 8, 9, 12, 16, 18, 20, 24, 25, ... (OEIS ...
A Størmer number is a positive integer n for which the greatest prime factor p of n^2+1 is at least 2n. Every Gregory number t_x can be expressed uniquely as a sum of t_ns ...
A flexagon made with square faces. Gardner (1961) shows how to construct a tri-tetraflexagon, tetra-tetraflexagon, and hexa-tetraflexagon.
